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the source for the development of entrepreneurship

the Main factors of entrepreneurial riskrisk - in the broadest sense - the possibility of the emergence of circumstances that determine: - the uncertainty or impossibility of obtaining the expected results from the implementation of the goal; - material damage; - risk of foreign exchange losses, etc. Risk in the narrow sense - a measurable probability to incur losses or to miss profit. Business risk - the risk associated with the particular business in its market niche.Risk is objectively inevitable element of making any economic decisions due to the fact that uncertainty is an inevitable feature of the environment. In the economic literature often no distinction is made between "risk" and "uncertainty". They should be separated.

In fact, the first characterizes such apartment in Novosibirsk how good and inexpensive, when the occurrence of unknown events is very likely and can be estimated quantitatively, and the second when the probability of occurrence of such events is impossible to assess in advance. In a real situation the decision taken by the entrepreneur, almost always involves risk, which is caused by the presence of a number of unforeseen uncertainties.It should be noted that the entrepreneur has the right to rent for sybrandy apartments for rent, but to avoid it he can't. Rightly considered to be: no risk, no reward. In other words, to obtain economic profit, the entrepreneur needs to consciously adopt risk solutions.It is possible to tell with confidence: uncertainty and risk in entrepreneurial activities play a very important role, embodying the contradiction between the planned and real, ie the source of business development.

Business risk has an objective basis because of the uncertainty of the external environment to the firm. The external environment includes the objective economic, social and political environment within which the firm operates and the dynamics to which she is forced to adapt. The uncertainty of the situation depends on what it is depends on many variables, counterparties, and entities whose behavior cannot always be predicted with acceptable accuracy. Affects beautiful full photos of Novosibirsk streets, criteria and indicators of evaluation (shifts in public needs and consumer demand, the emergence of technical and technological innovations, changing market conditions, unpredictable natural phenomena).Entrepreneurship is always fraught with the uncertainty of the economic situation, which stems from variability of demand and supply for goods, money, factors of production, there are various possible spheres of application of capital and diversity of criteria of preference of investment funds, due to the limited knowledge about the fields of business and Commerce and many other circumstances.The economic behavior of the entrepreneur in a market system based on pick and choose at your own risk implemented by an individual program of business activities in the hotel biznasa, particularly in leasing apartment for rent within the possibilities that arise from legislative acts. Each participant of market relations initially deprived known in advance, clearly specified guarantees of success: secured shares in the market, access to productive resources at fixed prices, stability in the purchasing power of monetary units, of the immutability of rules and regulations and other instruments of economic management.Entrepreneurial risk is, essentially, the reverse of economic freedom, a kind of fee for it. The freedom of one entrepreneur at a time and accompanies the freedom of other entrepreneurs, therefore, with the development of market relations in our country will increase uncertainty and business risk.To eliminate the uncertainty of the future in business is impossible, since it is an element of objective reality. The risk inherent to entrepreneurship, and is an integral part of its economic life. br>
so far we have paid attention only to the objective side of the business risk. Indeed, the risk associated with a real process housing office. The objectivity of the risk associated with the presence of factors whose existence is not ultimately dependent on the action of entrepreneurs.Risk perception depends on each particular person with his personality, mentality, psychological characteristics, level of knowledge in the field of its activities. Per entrepreneur this amount of risk is acceptable while another is unacceptable.Currently, there are two forms of entrepreneurship. First and foremost, it is a commercial organization based on the old economic ties.

In situation of uncertainty, these entrepreneurs try to avoid risk, trying to adapt to the changing conditions. The second form is a newly created business structures, characterized by the development of horizontal relationships, broad specialization. These entrepreneurs are willing to risk, in risk situation they maneuver resources are able to quickly find new partners. The risk an entrepreneur faces at different stages of their activities, and, of course, causes the specific risk situation can be very much. Usually, the cause of the implies some condition that causes the uncertainty of the outcome of the situation. For the risk of such sources are: direct economic activity in hotels, or hotels of Novosibirsk gets blagopriyatno, the activities of the hotelier, the lack of information about the state of the external environment affecting the result of entrepreneurial activity. On this basis, should be distinguished:the risk associated with business activities; the risk associated with the entrepreneurial personality; the risk associated with the lack of information about the state of the environment. On the occurrence of business risks can be divided into external and internal. The source of external risks is the external environment in relation to the business firm.

the Entrepreneur cannot influence them, he can only anticipate and to take them into account in demyansk - blog avangard and their activities.Thus, the external risks are not directly related to the activity of the entrepreneur. We are talking about unexpected changes in the legislation regulating business activity; the instability of the political regime in the country and other situations, and therefore on the losses of entrepreneurs arising from the outbreak of war, nationalization, strikes, introduction of embargo.Source of internal risk is the very business firm. These risks arise in case of insufficient management, erroneous marketing policy and the use sst program when communicating on the Internet.The main internal risks are human risks associated with professional level and traits of employees.From the point of view of time duration of business risks can be divided into transient and permanent. To the group of short-term risks are those that threaten the entrepreneur for a finite, known length of time, for example transport risk, when the damages can occur during shipping, or the risk of default for a particular transaction.Permanent risks include those which continuously threaten entrepreneurial activity in a given geographic area or a specific sector of the economy, e.g. risk of default in a country with the imperfect legal system or the risk of destruction of buildings in the area with high seismic hazard.